Friday, May 23, 2008

"Finding Freedom" teleseminar for freelance attorneys was a great success

Nationally-recognized contract lawyering expert Lisa Solomon, Esq. presenting NAFLP's first teleseminar on May 22nd and met with resounding positive feedback from participants. Members from New York, New Hampshire, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, Oregon, California and other states were among the participants.

"Freelance Freedom: How to Get Started as a Contract Lawyer" served as an introductory session covering the essential information for freelance attorneys who are just beginning in a freelance career track, but also served as a reminder to veterans of the key elements for success. Even I, who have done freelance work for the better part of 15 years learned new things and got new ideas for increasing the freelance side of my law practice.

A recording of the teleseminar will be available shortly. To reserve a copy, email To obtain information on upcoming teleseminars put on my Lisa Solomon, check out her website at

NAFLP's first live event has been rescheduled for August 12th in San Diego. Additional information on this event will continue to be posted and we welcome everyone to join us!

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