Friday, January 30, 2009

Distinction for achievement in the legal profession? For sale to the highest bidders

How does a women lawyer achieve distinction as a leader in the legal profession? You might be surprised at the answer that arrived in my mailbox today.

"In recognition of Women's History Month, women attorneys who have achieved leadership status will be profiled with bios," etc. in a future issue of the LA/Los Angeles Times Magazine. This opportunity was described in a colorful brochure as "the perfect way to salute those high-achieving women who are excelling in their professional roles."

"Wow!" I thought. "What a great idea! It is about time women lawyers who are making a positive impact on the legal profession get some recognition. What is the criteria for selection of these attorneys?"

My jaw dropped as I read further. It appears that the one and only criteria for selection of these high-achieving women is payment of between $8,000-$55,000 (early bird discounts apply).

I have an alternative suggestion. In recognition of Women's History Month (March), let's stop pretending that a pretty face, designer gown, expensive diamond ring, or a splashy display ad, measures the achievement of women in the workplace, the legal industry, or anywhere else.
Join me in proposing a list of high-achieving women in the legal industry that are daily making a positive impact. No price tag attached. Just submit your entries to with a description of why you think they qualify as high-achieving women in the law.

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